Picnic de Libros

Date & Time

12:02 AM

Price FREE

Venue Koubek Center at Miami Dade College
2705 SW 3rd Street

Phone Number 305.237.7750

Picnic de Libros is a bilingual, family day program featuring storytelling, theatre, music, arts and crafts, dance, and picnic baskets full of books, for families to enjoy together. The event is free, and its main goal is to expose kids to the richness and variety of the cultural traditions in our diverse community. These gatherings will tickle children’s curiosity while using the power of stories to bring people together, promoting literacy, and nurturing the next generation of engaged world citizens. We want to encourage kids to read and develop a passion for books and literature. Culminating each day, we will serve a special picnic with blankets on the lawn and baskets full of books, in both Spanish and English. Picnic de Libros is produced by the Koubek Center and Fundacion Cuatrogatos.

Next Picnic will have the following activities:

• A very special presentation of Haitian music performed by Inez Barlatier.
• Creative Stage Productions returns with their amusing characters.
• Bilingual stories with storytellers Marilyn Romero and Geraldine Townson.
• An entertaining Spanish-language mini children’s theatre play performed by Teatro Doble.
• Píntame, an interactive game with colors and brushes, by Venezuelan performers Lismar Marcano and Hanny Rivera from Books and Play.